Occumed for DCs Sleep Diagnostics Package Through Sleep Balance Academy


This package is a minimum start up supply of rings and products needed to support the chiropractic sleep care through Sleep Balance Academy with Dr. James Raker, DC and Dr. Richard Downs, DDS. This package includes 5 Circul+ rings, 3 large, 1 small and 1 extra large. It also includes 5 NasalAid nasal dilators. It also includes one large size FDA approved SleepImage ring to do an FDA cleared Sleep study or instead 2 NightOwl FDA approved sleep study devices that fit on one finger. . (The choice between these two different sleep study devices will depend on availability.) We also include one set of nasal sprays that include a Guard Xylitol spray and a Guard Natural Hypochlorous acid spray. It includes 90 days membership in Sleep Balance Academy online sleep education for chiropractors. After the 90 period, the SBA membership will automatically subcribe you at $90 per month. . It includes us monitoring of your progress via a phone app called In Hand Health so you can see how to use it to monitor your patients as well.. Finally, it includes one group online event training to get you started.

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